“Crossing the Thinnest Line” with Lauren Leader-Chivée

“All of the power structures of our society still lie with white men, but women have a unique role to play, because we can relate to discrimination. We all have a part to play and a job to do.”



Get your own copy of Crossing the Thinnest Line today!

LAUREN LEADER-CHIVÉE is the Co-Founder and CEO of All In Together. She has dedicated her career to closing the most critical personal, professional and political gender gaps for women. In addition to her role at AIT, Lauren is an Independent Senior Advisor to Deloitte working with a range of global companies on their most pressing diversity issues. Formerly the President of the global think tank Center for Talent Innovation and Founding Partner at Hewlett Chivée Partners LLC, she has tirelessly advocated for women’s leadership as a driver of economic growth and opportunity. Follow her on Twitter @laurenchivee.