Women in Foreign Policy with Lucie Goulet

“Know what you want to do and don’t hesitate to ask.”


LUCIE GOULET is Founder and Editor of Women in Foreign Policy.  She  has over eight years’ experience in creating inspiring digital content about foreign policy and fashion in both English and French, her mother tongue. She has contributed to think tank Future Foreign Policy before joining their Advisory Board as Content and Social Media Strategy officer. Her writing focuses on the role of women in foreign policy and on fashion as an expression of soft power, a field that combines her interest in international relations with her expertise in fashion and the luxury industry.

Check out her awesome fashion blog: http://fashionabecedaire.tumblr.com/

Subscribe to her incredible #wifp newsletter: http://tinyletter.com/wifp

You can contact Lucie on TwitterLinkedIn, and by email: womeninforeignpolicy@gmail.com